St John's Links
St John's and the Ravensbourne Team are part of the Deptford Deanery of Anglican churches and chaplaincies. Our ethos is "Collaboration, Prayer and Mission" and we meet regularly to support and encourage each other. Please visit our website for details about events and the differnet memebers of the deanery.
Since 1996 churches in Lewisham have worked together through LewCAS to support Asylum seekers and Refugees. A major part of our work is the Foodbank which is open every Tuesday at St John's 11am -1pm and serves individuals and families in our local community who are experinceing destitution. Referrals for the foodank come through Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network as well as other partners. Donations are gratfully receiveid and THNAK YOU to all who fgive regularly and generously. Further details here
St John's is a member of the Lewisham Interfaith Forum wich was developed out of strong partnerships and friendships between the faith communities of Lewisham.
Please use the this link to find out more about the forum, our annual Walk For Peace and the various events that the forum organises.