02/07/2024 0 Comments
What is Lent and why do Christians celebrate it?
What is Lent and why do Christians celebrate it?
# Blogs
What is Lent and why do Christians celebrate it?
Lent is an annual Christian celebration that is comprised of 40 days and 40 nights, excluding Sundays. It is representative of the period in the Holy Bible where the Messiah, Jesus Christ went to the desert and was tempted by the devil for 40 days.
Lent officially begins the day after pancake day, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday which takes place which takes place 40 days before Easter to represent Jesus' 40 days spent fasting in the desert. This is why the exact date of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday changes every year.
During Jesus’ temptation, Satan tempted him by asking him if he really is the Son of God. Satan said to Jesus “if you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread’’ (Matthew 4: 1- 11).
However, despite the devils' several attempts to tempt Jesus, every single time, Jesus resisted. This is what is encouraged for Christians to do when being tempted. James 4:7 says ''so humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.''
Why do Christians celebrate Lent?
Christians celebrate Lent as a way to practice sacrifice and self-discipline. As a way to observe the sacrifice Jesus went through when entering the desert, some Christians choose to give something up for the duration of lent. This is often something they will use often in their normal everyday life.
For example, some Christians may give up certain foods, whilst some other people may give up things such as the use of social media and more.
Through sacrificing these things throughout the duration of Lent, Christians are able to dedicate more of their energy towards seeking a closer relationship with God, as well as building their endurance and self-discipline as they rely on the strength of God to carry them through what they are abstaining from.
At St John's Church, we have a Lent course on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm, where members are welcome to join via zoom. Please contact georgia.stjohnsdeptford@gmail.com for more information if you are interested in joining.
Happy Lent!